Thursday 24 October 2013


There was a King who had 1 Eye and 1 leg. He asked all the painters to draw a beautiful portrait of him.
But none of them could bcoz how could they paint him beautifully with the defects in 1 eye and 1
leg.. Eventually one of them agreed and drew a classic picture of the King.
It was a fantastic picture and surprised everyone..
He painted the King AIMING for a HUNT. Targeting with ONE Eye Closed and One Leg Bent ...

MORAL : We all can paint pictures like this for others. Hiding their weaknesses and highlighting their strength....!!!!

Compiled by,
~ Isha Ganatra ~

Monday 5 August 2013


Trust is necessary for every relationship, not necessary that it’s easier to trust your blood relatives and not other people whom you meet in your life time. In fact sometimes we get to see  lack of trust even in  a parent-child relationship which is the closest and most beautiful form of relationship( esp youngsters , with the main idea that parents will not understand them, and they start hiding things)

Today why is it getting so difficult to trust others? May be because we not able to trust ourselves? Ok and what if our trust is broken? Should we forgive?
They say it’s easier to forgive blood-related but difficult for an outsider. Forgiveness can be given to anybody, not necessary blood related, because I know how to forgive, but we choose whom should we forgive and whom not to forgive. If we know the art of forgiveness, if we can forgive someone, we can forgive anyone.

But what is that Trust and how do we develop it? To find that out, we first need to experience it ourselves. In present times why is it difficult to trust someone? Because before trusting someone you first doubt them.  There’s not defining of percentage of trust or doubt we have on others, yes but the effort we put in any relationship / friendship can be defined.

We cannot say that I trust you and gradually over the time my trust will increase. Either there is trust or it’s not there at all. Even when there’s a single doubt in your mind, you are still in the doubtful stage. Also there’s this interesting thing that some of my friends getting into new relationships said that “I’ll be mentally prepared, so that even if I’ve to face betrayal, I won’t be that hurt, that my life stops”, saying this itself means that you don’t trust that individual, it means you have already given the benefit of doubt to that person that they have the capacity to betray you.  

Again they say “Trust has to be earned”. Now see the person who has to trust is you, so the other person does not require to do anything, they are the way they are, now whether or not to trust them is your choice , it’s just that over a period of time you get to know them. However, trust is actually a foundation of any relationship or friendship; it cannot be developed over a period of time.

Again by trusting other person you are not doing them any favor, rather it’s a favor to yourself, because all that time we are in doubt, there’s disturbance and instability inside your mind, which means a lot of waste and negative thoughts. The moment you start trusting , all those waste and painful thoughts are over, so basically you are relieving yourself of all the anxiety and burden , because  now there is no doubt, so the moment you think can trust other person , what do you get? Peace, happiness and stability, so whom did you do the favor to? Yourself!

Why are we not able to trust someone today? Because when other person says something or does something, we start doubting that person, does he/she think the same? Why is this occurring to you? Ever given that a thought? It’s because you are that way, if majority of the times your thoughts, words and actions are separate, you will picture other people with the same pattern. So it’s basically about integrity at a very root level, in your everyday life, you have to pretend, to please others, to maintain that image that you've created for others, when your self-esteem relies on what opinion do others have about you, and somewhere you had to hide your thoughts and feelings, so most of the time in a day,you are cheating yourself, because you don’t have the courage to speak what you think. The whole day you are spending impressing, influencing people, you don’t have time to be yourself! Throughout the day you live disintegrated, because your sense of worth is based on what others are thinking about you, because normally everyone thinks if I don’t speak well about others, they won’t like it, then they won’t like me, and then I will not like myself.

So we must begin with accepting ourselves, these are my strengths and these are my weakness, and its fine to have some weakness, but I am working on them. So when you have this integrity within you, you are able to accept others too in the same way, that they too are equipped with some good and some bad about them, and I am ready to accept them that way, so what happens eventually is that the person whom you've accepted as they are, will stop pretending. We pretend before whom, we know, will not accept us the way we are.  Similarly when it comes to a husband –wife relationship, problems arise, like till when am I supposed to deal with something I don’t like about my spouse! We can generally pretend for few hours when we are out in a day, but it’s difficult to pretend throughout the day. So when this wall of pretense falls, you see a different person, and the general dialogue “Oh, so this is what you really are!” comes up. The above scenario would be more common among-st couples who've been committed before and have then married.

So when you say to relevant other that “You’ll have to win my trust”, the truth is rather like you have to be strong enough to trust them. When you've accepted others, then there’s no expectation. Example you expecting that the relevant other will change, would do something for you, that means you are creating an image of that person in your mind, and saying that  till the time you act in this manner, I shall trust you, once you behave in contradiction to the way you were, I won’t be able to trust you.  Why? Because that image that you've created in your mind is broken.

So best way to tell someone is, “I trust you that you are feeling the same way what you are saying” , so you are saying that I believe that even the smallest of the things you say are only which you are really feeling at that moment.  Now let’s take another example, a married friend came to me and said “My husband is a very nice person, he always shared everything with me which I liked, but he was way too honest as an individual, so initially though it was difficult to accept his straightforwardness, I did accept it but now he hardly shares anything and I also suspect that he’s started lying to others and me too, now how am I supposed to accept him with this change? “  So here we see that though she pointed out that her husband has started lying to others and she’s uncomfortable with that, shouldn't be an issue, as she as a his partner would rather try to understand him and also support him in his act of probably pleasing other, but in real she’s definitely unhappy because he has started lying to her, so what’s changed? Probably she has not accepted a certain action or words that he said and probably would have said that ‘This truth, that you've shared with me, I will not accept it, I will not like it’, means her power of acceptance has lessened and so her husband had to lie to her. And this stands vice-verse as well.

So when we are hurt due to  certain words or action of a person we trust, it’s necessary to understand  that everybody in this world makes mistakes and counsel yourself that their mistake should not affect you and check on your stability of mind , you cannot blame other person for your hurt feeling, it’s your responsibility to  heal yourself of that uneasiness , and now with that clarity and strength you can try to see things from their perspective and help them deal with the disturbances in their lives. Because at times we get so much involved with our own feelings and grievances, that we don’t realize what is the other person going through.

In conclusion when we are trusting other person, it’s not them but your strength to be able to trust them, it requires a realistic perspective about people and needs to be combined with a willingness to forgive and grows best in an environment of acceptance.

Compiled by:

Isha R Ganatra

Thursday 16 May 2013

Super Sweet Sixteen

Everything from coming adulthood to mark of passage to the more responsible teenage years has been the cause for celebrating your sweet 16th. If you are looking for a wonderful 16th birthday party ideas there are quite a few things that you have to consider before starting your party plan and printing out your invitations.
A sweet sixteen can be as simple or as grand as you want it to be, but there are just some things that a good party cannot be without.
If you planning to execute an excellent sweet 16th , you have to keep in mind that enjoyment is the core of any party. Before going through with any kind of Birthday party details it is important to plan ahead. Putting your thoughts into paper would be a great way to keep yourself organized. Here are some integral things that you cannot be without in every good and amazing sixteenth Birthday parties:

A) Food – any rocking party has to have some grub. If you are out to create an atmosphere of formality, a full-fledged dinner is a good idea. If you are down for something informal, especially if you’re thinking about sixteenth birthday for boys, finger foods or a eat as you go affair is a better option. Always have extra food on hand for guests that like to eat.
B) Drinks – Drinks are “tres important”  feature for parties. Most 16th birthday party ideas tend to focus on alcohol-free drinks and beverages, and also cocktails, soda-floats, root beer, or even home-made drinks, which follow a certain party theme. There are hundreds of recipes online for different types of fun and delicious party drinks!
C) Music – Music is what livens up the party and sets the mood for some truly memorable nights. More formal affairs usually demand that you have slow, easy-to-listen to music. While this formal air can be maintained all throughout the party, one good tip is to create a mixed playlist which have a variety of songs or tracks. Lively ones, ones for dancing, and ones for tear-jerking times can be choreographed by Deejays which you can hire. Better yet, let one of your family members try their hands at being your DeeJay, thus integrating a little bit of family participation into your birthday and creates a better atmosphere among your relatives and friends.
D) Ambiance/ Theme – A lot of good birthday parties revolve around themes. This can be planned to suit gender, hobby, preference, or religious and cultural belief. The theme is what brings both the entrees and music together, although this can be somewhat overly formal means of celebrating one’s sweet 16. Formality is just not a trend in sweet sixteen. You can be as creative or as unpredictable with the theme of the party..just be sure not to go overboard. Otherwise, it might be the ruining factor you feared for your special day.
E) Guests -  The guest number is just as important as any of the four above mentioned necessities combined, as they amount to the overall amount and cost  of food, drinks, and utensils (cups, plates, cutlery) that have to be served. You have to have a clear list of who is to be invited and who not to in order to calculate the exact number of food and drinks to have. If you want smooth sailing with your 16th birthday party ideas, be sure to plan the guest-list and invites at least a month prior to the event. Print out the invitations and disperse them at least a week and a half before your big event to make sure that everybody is able to meet the theme (if any)  of the party or to confirm their un-attendance if ever.
These precautions ensure that your memorable day is hassle free! With those five necessary things in mind, it’s time to focus on the party proper. Most 16th birthday party ideas revolve around the themes. While this helps set the mood for the party, theme parties aren’t always necessary. You can pick a theme depending on your preferences, but here are some themes for both boys and girls that you can incorporate:

For Girls:
Parties for girls have become a stereotypically formal affair often involving ceremonies that mark the young lady’s entry into a near-adulthood. While making a formal party is a great way to do about it, informal sweet sixteen’s can also be fun and just as sentimental! Whether you opt to throw your sweet 16 with friends and family or if you spend it in a little girl’s –night-out at the theater or carnival, there are literally hundreds of different ways to enjoy yourself. Don’t limit yourself to stereotyped themes. Be creative in your ideas!  Seasonal themes or fantasy themes (like represent a country, retro-look , music icons, facebook meme, movie/television show/cartoon character/Disney princess), are also great 16th birthday party ideas worth trying. Overall, any party should be fun-centric and hassle free!

For Boys :

Parties for boys can be riotous and downright fun affair  where you can go crazy with the planning. You can choose to keep it informal by simply having a get together with food, drinks, and fun games with close family friends, friends and relatives. A more formal and sentimental way to throw a boy’s 16th party is if you bring together family and close friends for a full-course dinner over which you get to recount the moments you’ve had with the celebrant. Still better, going out for a full dinner course at an excellent resort and having fun rounds of go-carts or bowling afterwards will guarantee you a smashing good time!
I hope that with these simple tips , you enjoy your sweet 16th!

Compiled by:

Isha R Ganatra

Wednesday 15 May 2013

SANTACRUZ - Mumbai's Wedding Market

Bandra is known as the “Queen of Suburbs” in Mumbai. But if you go further North, you arrive in Santacruz – let us say, “The Wedding Market” of Mumbai.

You will find almost all things which are usually needed in a wedding – ethnic and designer clothes, wedding invitations, jewellery, trousseau, accessories, etc.

There are innumerable stores selling wedding and bridal dresses. And they also come in a lot of varieties. If you want something at a certain price point, you will find quite a few shops selling incredible designs at that price. But if money is not a concern, then, as they say, sky is the limit. You will find shops selling them at upwards of `50000. Also, many of the known designers have their showrooms in or near Santacruz – Neeta Lulla, Manish Malhotra, Tarun Tahiliani, Avesh Dadlani and so on. Not only these, many of the shops have their in-house designers to help you get the perfect wedding dress for your dream wedding. There are even some designers who render services on a clientele basis. There are even shops selling men’s ethnic wear such as Kora, Raymond and Louis Phillipe. You will also find tailors catering to special requests.

And since there are so many ethnic clothing stores, the jewellery stores are not left behind either. One of the most trusted brands of jewellery in the Indian market – Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri – has a showroom in Santacruz. There are others too, such as Manini jewellers, Minawala Jewellers, Dadabhai Jewellers and Dalichand Kapurchand Jewellers. There are even designers who operate from their homes and give you authentic, certified jewellery. And if you are looking for art jewellery, the shops are uncountable. You will find not only ones which sell as a stall but also big brands such as Sia Art Jewellery. No need to say that you get all kinds and types of jewellery in various designs. And if still not satisfied, the jewellery hub of Mumbai, Waterfied Road in Bandra, is just 5 minutes drive from Santacruz.

Jewellery and clothes are not the only things needed in an Indian wedding. To cater to this need, there are even stores selling things such as flowers, trousseau packing, envelopes, wedding invitation cards etc. Not to mention, there are stores selling wedding shoes such as mojari, bags and clutches. Brands such as Esbeda and Caprese are all present. You also have salons such as Enrich present. You will also find cosmetic showrooms such as Inglot, MAC among others in and around Santacruz. There are even innumerable sweet shops and cake shops present. There are even caterers around. There are even beauty clinics and spas such as VLCC, Kaya Skin Clinic, Dr. Batra’s, Kenia Eye Hospital, Iosis, Aura Thai, Sabai Spa in Santacruz, who offer bridal packages.

So you need anything related to “The Great Indian Wedding”, you will find in Santacruz (Station Road and S. V. Road). And if it’s casual shopping, Linking Road is not far away.

Deepali Mehta

Tuesday 7 May 2013


Humans feel numerous emotions. Basic emotions such as excitement, happiness, sadness, anger, tenderness, scariness; as well as multi-dimensional emotions such as boredom, stress, calmness, nervousness, tenseness, upset or depressed.[1]

Certain emotions overlap two “black-and-white” emotions. For example, emotions that face a policeman when arresting his own relative; emotions that face a person whose loved one has betrayed him; or even, feelings a person is confronted with when about to do something he has been forbidden to. These “grey” emotions not only confuse one and the others around, but also force one to choose between the two overlapping emotions.

One such emotion is “Love to Hate”. On the surface, you hate someone but in your heart, you are infatuated with him/her. It is such an emotion that you cannot help but get obsessed with someone you utterly dislike.
You detest him/her, yet when something regarding that person comes up, you can help get curious. And when the news is “good”, you simply roll your eyes and go “Tch!” Yet, you are impressed by that person. A strange kind of respect is aroused within you. (That is what they call, seeing things objectively, without any bias). And when the news is “not so good”, a sarcastic chuckle escapes you and you go, “Ha! Another reason to hate him/her” or “See, that’s why I hate him/her.” Yet you want to know more about him/her.

People around you have different opinion about your feelings towards that person. “You like him/her”, “You hate him/her.” But one thing is clear; you cannot remove him from your thoughts. Passion, obsession, love, hate, thrill; you feel all this at the same time. It causes a certain emotional high in yourself; your heart goes through a certain adrenaline rush and thrill even when you hear or write that person’s name. Your breathing is hard, your mouth has gone dry and you see only two persons in the world - him/her and yourself. You need great strength to focus on the topic and not on the person. Even when you calm down, it takes time to be yourself again; you need something to catch your attention so that you can ‘move on’.

On hearing this, anyone would take it as a compliment. You hate me, you love me; but I am constantly on your mind. I have occupied a piece of it.

This feeling can be stressful and disparaging to anyone’s emotional well-being. We need to be careful and clear in our thoughts. So just meditate and relax!

Deepali Mehta


Friday 3 May 2013

City Dynamics -Mera Mumbai, India

Mumbai is basically a story of unused spaces. Air, land, sea, underground, we’ve wasted all of them. Air we should have gone vertical, we are starting to do that now but we’ve wasted 40 years and that too because of reasons like convoluted slum redevelopment , tdr etc..which were important , but certainly did not require that much time. On land we don’t have enough freed up paths or commons. Sea and underground could have been used for transportation. In a way we’ve wasted spaces , wasted ideas which were common three or four decades ago.  Imagine what Mumbai could have been had we made the right decisions in early 70 -80’s. Lot of these are workable ideas, solutions have been known through the decades but we ignored them.

For all these years, Mumbai has been my home, very little has changed, few taller buildings have come up. Life is built on memories of our neighborhood, in the homes, in the city that we live in. One starts wondering, why we did not worked hard enough to make Mumbai a great city.
What has been missing is the vision and will, from both politicians and us citizens. We all are responsible for this mess. We've created our little islands, our little cocoons, a gated world of Home, Office, some of us Schools, Colleges, and malls on weekends. We've paid very little attention to the building of the city and demanding a city with livable communities.

THIS is what has to change. Transforming Mumbai and other cities is going to require us to change policies and politics. Because bad politics is what has created this mess, and good politics can get us out of this. As good politics mean good policies and voting. Change has to come through our votes; the reality is many of the citizens don’t vote. So who really votes? Our contribution at the ballot box is only 55% to 60%. It is very little wondered then, that we get the policies we do. And the outcome is no surprise, we are writing off our own future.

Why we need urbanization? Urbanization and development are conjoint twins, one leads to and means the other. In India we’ve had this misplaced notion for a long time, this rheumatics of villages and that has does us harm from pre-independence days. The future of India is urban, if you don’t believe me try going out and living in a village for more than a week, it just doesn’t happen. But everyone likes this, that India lives in 600-1000 villages. The reality is India needs to live in hundreds of cities. Cities are growth engines. They are there for wealth creation, innovation hubs and much more; we’ve seen it through the history of mankind. Now around 50% of the people in the world live in urban areas. For India to develop it has to urbanize. Today around 60% of India involved in agriculture. If some part of this agricultural labour shifts to urban city’s labour intensive manufacturing. India has a unique opportunity here, just like China had 30 years ago. 

Labour costs have been rising in China. China has moved up the ladder. In late 70’s India and China had pretty much the same per capita income, today China’s per capita income is 3 times that of India. Both started off in 1947-48, and we could have done what China did in late 70’s onwards, we lost a lot of opportunities out there. China itself needs a China that was there 30 years ago in case of low cost labour in large numbers. Chinese companies have been looking at Indonesia, Bangladesh and Vietnam and other such countries and are trying to move some of their manufacturing out there. India can be that, that’s the way development, if we move some of the people move from agriculture to low-cost manufacturing,  we need people in manufacturing as we need to produce stuff for consumption.

India has a unique opportunity to kick-start a 30 year old cycle, like China did, if it can solve its land, labour and infrastructure problems. But what how can this be achieved?  As I said before, if we move at least some percent of the people in agriculture to new cities. We do have migrations daily, but in small numbers , but that’s not good enough to get millions of people out of poverty. We need to move them to manufacturing. This would be one of the greatest migrations in history, other than what happened in China. And what do we have to offer them? We have existing but legacy cities like Mumbai. We are bursting at our seems ,look at Mumbai , Delhi or Bangalore or any other major cities, and what’s the plan for renewal , it goes by the initials JNNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission),  the only time you see these words are painted on buses. – A plan for renewal, that’s our plan for revamping cities. In reality, nothing exists, the number of Urban planners for Mumbai is just One as opposed to China , who has a whole institute producing urban planners for the country. 

We seem to have forgotten the art of planning, looking 10 – 20 years ahead, what cities will become? What’s the evolution of neighbourhood? What’s the progression we need to have? The fact is our existing cities cannot accept more people, what India really needs are new cities, atleast a hundred new cities, movable, sustainable, well managed cities. A lot has been written, solutions are all there , there’s a Romer’s concept of charter cities where people come together based on certain rules, there are designer cities, that are planned according to a purpose. But the first problem we have to solve when we look at the cities is the governance, and what’s needed out here is vision and will for good policies. And it’s not going to happen automatically , we’ve seen 65 years post independence and nothing has changed, it’s almost development , whatever change happens is by default and accidental, Urban Governance is our greatest challenge , we need good policies and for that we need good politicians , for that we need to vote.  The challenge in India is that only 55 percent of voting happens in urban India. The reasons are like , what difference one vote will make it’s a combination of ignorance I don’t know where my polling both is ? It’s a question of complacency, apathy- all are equally bad so it doesn’t matter whom I vote for, waiting in the queue at the polling booth. And the answer is not voting for independent candidates , what they do , is they end up being vote cutters.

Compiled by:

Isha R Ganatra

Tuesday 30 April 2013

What a Wonderful World

Beautiful World
Blessed are we Earthlings to be Guests on the magnificent planet Earth! The key to blessedness lies in being aware of blessedness. If your awareness is turned in different directions, towards what you cannot do or have, or what you think you cannot do or have, then this wrongly directed pattern of thought will make you unaware of the many things that you can do or have. This world is great if you can accept the bad with the good in it, but it becomes beautiful if you can see the good in every bad.

Only by uplifting our consciousness can we ever truly change the way we look at and relate to the world around us. Deeper connection with nature makes us happier and more loving human being.

Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, “You owe me”. Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.

Thank Heaven, for our beautiful world, for the birds that soar in the immense sky. For the precious flora that adorns our Earth in an exquisite array of colors. For the awe-inspiring and majestic sceneries; and for all the amazing animals our co-inhabitants that generously share their beauty and unconditional love.

We need to fall in love with nature. What we fall in love with we protect. When we fall in love, we transform. Through loving and protecting nature, we can heal ourselves and ensure a future for our children. When we align our bodies, minds and hearts with the wisdom of nature, a few examples of which could be by hiking a mountain, connecting with an animal, just taking a fresh morning walk listening the birds, or looking into the eyes of a new born child, we embrace our own humanity, becoming more peaceful, and joyful human beings

I see trees of green........ red roses too 
I see em bloom..... for me and for you 
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world. 
I see skies of blue..... clouds of white 
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights 
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.

Check this composition by Louis Armstrong visit
This has been one of my favorite songs for as long as I can remember. Therefore, it’s only fitting that I share a few lines

In deep gratitude may all creations thrive in peace, and dignity; under merciful grace and protection of our Creator.

Compiled by:
Isha R Ganatra

Tuesday 23 April 2013


A hobby is an activity undertaken for fun. Hobbies play an important role in one’s everyday routine. They help in freeing up the shackles of monotony in one’s life. From the outside, it might seem like that you are doing the same thing again and again, but this monotony is something you like to do; not something you have to do like everyday chores. It is something you love doing, without any reason.

You never get tired of your hobby. Neither are you satiated with it, nor unsatisfied with it. You want to do more of it; you want to learn more about it; you want to experience more of it. You want to keep doing it until you become perfect in the subject; also you keep doing it, to prove that it is under your command. All this, unconsciously, leads you to becoming an expert in it.

People might consider you to be childish or obsessive; but for you, it is therapeutic. It is a form of meditation, a form of relaxation. So much so that even if you get up in the middle of the night, or in the middle of doing something important, you are always up for it. You have had a long, hard day, but your hobby is something you find comfort in; something you use to relax and calm your mind. At other times, it is a form of recreation.

You have such an authority over the subject of your hobby that even professionals swear by your knowledge. They might even pay you for sharing your knowledge. In fact, certain hobbyists are attributed to discover things about the subject that even professionals haven’t. This becomes an opportunity for you to turn your hobby into your profession. Once it turns into your passion, you might feel like you live your hobby. You fall asleep thinking about it and you are still thinking about it when you wake up. All your talks and examples reflect the subject of your hobby. It is like it is in your blood, or you are born with it.

As to what one should develop as a hobby, suggestions from others are usually not helpful in discovering your interests. It is always better to think for oneself, what one enjoys doing no matter what the circumstances. Suggestions are usually the likes of other people’s interests. They narrow your mind as what you might like, not what you actually like. If one needs to find one’s true hobby, the best way is to look inside one, and not at suggestions given by others.

Everyone should develop hobbies in order to add significance and enjoyment to your life. As they say, “variety is the spice of life”.

Deepali Mehta

Tuesday 16 April 2013

HANAMI - The cherry blossom festival

Hanami, or the cherry blossom viewing, is a popular festival in Japan. It is usually celebrated from February to early May throughout Japan, depending on the location; though cherry blossoms last only for about two weeks at one location. It signifies the arrival of the spring season. Sakura, or the cherry blossom, is the national flower of Japan. It signifies the last year’s harvest. It also indicates the rice-planting season.
Emperor Saga of the Heian Period started this practice. He held flower-viewing parties and feasts under the sakura (cherry blossom) trees in the IMperialCourt in Kyoto. Soon this practise was adopted by the samurai class and then the entire Japanese society[1].

One of the first places to celebrate hanami is Kawazu in Izu Peninsula. Here, celebrations start as early as February. A ferry ride along the Kawazu River is a must; it is flanked by cherry trees on both sides and continues for about four kilometres, it practically is a cherry blossom tunnel. Another place for sakura viewing is Mt. Yoshino. It has about 30000 cherry trees on its slopes and hence, is a visual treat for people going to pilgrimage. From a distance, these trees look like beautiful pink clouds hovering over the mountain. And at Hirosaki Castle, they are even lit up at night. In Tokyo, Shinjuku Goen garden is famous for hanami; in fact, so famous, it is usually crowded[2].

Traditionally, parties and feasts are held under the cherry trees, which are usually followed by sake-drinking (Japanese wine). Today, it is a get together and people organize picnics, play games and hold sake-drinking contests. Even food stalls spring up at these spots.

Hanami also appears in a lot of Japanese poems; anime such as Fairy Tail and Hyouka; paintings etc.

Hanami is also famous outside Japan. Festivals are conducted in Korea, Taiwan, the Phillipines, China and USA. Ironically, Macon in Georgia is deemed the capital of cherry blossoms in the world. Parties are held in Washington D. C. and New York. It is popular in Europe as well, especially in Finland.
Deepali Mehta

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Women at Work-- Hi friends , this is my first post at Versatile Soch ! Hope you enjoy it

Women at Work
Face it or ignore it, but the bitter truth is that whether it is about childhood dreams or mid-career promotions, women have always been told to take on smaller challenges. Bigger roles, from and entirely social view point are meant for the men to take up.  According to a report at Harvard Business Review, women are suffering from low self-esteem; men were more confident across all age groups, with 70% of males having high or very high levels of self – confidence, compared to 50% of the women surveyed. The study also found that the lack of self confidence extends to a more cautious approach to applying for jobs and promotions, 20% of men said they would apply for a role despite only partially meeting its job description, compared to 14% of women.
No one’s going to get permission, if they don’t think they deserve success. Women systematically underestimate their abilities, and most of them don’t negotiate over salary. Well, in reality, it’s only about lack of confidence; rather about lack of support.  Number of men willing to reach new opportunities is much higher than that of the women.
YES LADIES! Be what you really are. In today’s time it is essential to exert power and be noticeable. It’s time to be taken more seriously!
It’s been seen again and again, women fail to get promoted because they fail to step up and apply.

Ask for Rewards, we believe that one day our success will speak for itself; however , that won’t ever happen, so you have to claim recognition if you want your efforts to be noticed. Get up from your seats and tell your bosses “I have accomplished A, B, C, D and E and I think I deserve a promotion.” I can tell you with the little experience I have and observed in this corporate world, 90% of the time these bosses will have no idea of all those things you’ve done!
Don’t complain; make changes! Take up new responsibilities outside your job roles, and not only when it comes to promotions. It feels personally risky to step – up and ask for a big job or assignment – but there’s really no other way. Not asking means you’ve lost the chance to influence the outcome.
It’s not only about adding skills but also about changing everyday thinking and behaviors. It’s not only about how confident you look but how confident you feel.

Aspiring women entrepreneurs do check out this inspiring TED talk video (below)


Anime is a type of animation mainly popular in East Asia. However since the word so closely resembles animation and any animation is cartoon, reactions such as, “You watch anime? Grow up”, “Anime is for kids”, “We are adults, we don’t watch cartoons!” and so on, are faced by people who watch anime.

Anime and cartoons are different. Cartoons are mainly aimed at children of up to 14 years. There are different stories in a cartoon. Anime, on the other hand, is one story told in episode form.

Anime is intended for much older audience. In fact there are anime which are not suitable for children. Of course, there are anime which are aimed at kids, but they are few and far between. Most anime have varied genres such as sports, thriller, fantasy, romance, horror, comedy, music etc. And they are aimed at young adults.

Anime originated in Japan, where it constitutes almost 50% of television entertainment, in 1917 with a two-minute clip of a samurai.[1] By 1930s it was seen to be an alternative to live action form of story-telling. Most anime is adapted from manga – “Japanese comics”, which feature each episode in one issue of a particular manga.

Essentially, anime is animated serial. There is a plot and the story spans many episodes. With the help of technology, the characters demonstrate real human emotions. They feel anger, confusion, love, just as humans do. This makes anime and its characters so relatable. Just as one series’ characters are popular, anime characters are popular among anime-lovers. Just as serial watchers come back every week for a new episode, so do anime-lovers.

Any anime-lover will tell at least one thing - “Do not compare anime with cartoons, compare it with live-action”. In fact, Japanese take it as an offence if you do so. For anime-lovers, cartoons are for kids and anime is on a whole, different level. It is on the same rank as any popular live-action series.

Anime is popular in many countries such as Japan, Korea, and Indonesia etc. In India, though, it is popular mainly in metro cities, that too, in young adults. It was brought in India by Sony Pictures Entertainment through its channel, Animax. However, as expected, it was put under kids channel. Another attempt is made by Colors with its show Suraj-The Rising Star, an anime based on the Japanese anime, Kyojin no Hoshi.

Worldwide, popular anime include Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, Fairy Tail.

Deepali Mehta

[1] Source:

Monday 1 April 2013


As soon as one hears the word “aromatherapy”, one starts thinking about natural cosmetics and skin care products. Some others may also think about diffusers and essential oils. Yes, aromatherapy is all this. But it is much more.

The first and foremost use of essential oils, and hence aromatherapy, is healing.

Aromatherapy is the practice of healing mental and physical diseases through essential oils. It propagates the use of essential oils due to their harmlessness, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, soothing, relaxing and various other properties.

If you enter the world of aromatherapy, you would realise that it is a huge world of aromatic research and success; it also relates to various fields of science and industry. With the help of essential oils, you can foray into the world of chemistry to study their compositions, the perfume industry with their smell, the cosmetics and skin care industry with their beautifying properties; or the health industry with their healing properties. The opportunities are enormous!

Many people doubt their healing powers since essential oils are not taken orally, like most other medicines. But, these oils take effect and provide relief almost instantly. In fact, they are much more powerful as well as harmless when compared to traditional medicines. Essential oils are either used in diffusers or inhaled with steam or used with carrier oils in massages.

However, just as all medicines have their dosage instructions, so do essential oils. These oils must be diluted using carrier oils before use. Their concentrated form can be as hazardous as any acid. Their use is forbidden during pregnancy. They can sometimes cause headaches or other allergies. Also, there are certain oils which should never be used in aromatherapy.

Hence, aromatherapy is a huge field of healing and beautifying when proper precautions are taken when using essential oils.

So, aromatherapy, when used cautiously, is a powerful form of alternative medicine which heals the body and mind wonderfully and without any side effects.
Deepali Mehta