Tuesday 7 May 2013


Humans feel numerous emotions. Basic emotions such as excitement, happiness, sadness, anger, tenderness, scariness; as well as multi-dimensional emotions such as boredom, stress, calmness, nervousness, tenseness, upset or depressed.[1]

Certain emotions overlap two “black-and-white” emotions. For example, emotions that face a policeman when arresting his own relative; emotions that face a person whose loved one has betrayed him; or even, feelings a person is confronted with when about to do something he has been forbidden to. These “grey” emotions not only confuse one and the others around, but also force one to choose between the two overlapping emotions.

One such emotion is “Love to Hate”. On the surface, you hate someone but in your heart, you are infatuated with him/her. It is such an emotion that you cannot help but get obsessed with someone you utterly dislike.
You detest him/her, yet when something regarding that person comes up, you can help get curious. And when the news is “good”, you simply roll your eyes and go “Tch!” Yet, you are impressed by that person. A strange kind of respect is aroused within you. (That is what they call, seeing things objectively, without any bias). And when the news is “not so good”, a sarcastic chuckle escapes you and you go, “Ha! Another reason to hate him/her” or “See, that’s why I hate him/her.” Yet you want to know more about him/her.

People around you have different opinion about your feelings towards that person. “You like him/her”, “You hate him/her.” But one thing is clear; you cannot remove him from your thoughts. Passion, obsession, love, hate, thrill; you feel all this at the same time. It causes a certain emotional high in yourself; your heart goes through a certain adrenaline rush and thrill even when you hear or write that person’s name. Your breathing is hard, your mouth has gone dry and you see only two persons in the world - him/her and yourself. You need great strength to focus on the topic and not on the person. Even when you calm down, it takes time to be yourself again; you need something to catch your attention so that you can ‘move on’.

On hearing this, anyone would take it as a compliment. You hate me, you love me; but I am constantly on your mind. I have occupied a piece of it.

This feeling can be stressful and disparaging to anyone’s emotional well-being. We need to be careful and clear in our thoughts. So just meditate and relax!

Deepali Mehta

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotion

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