Tuesday 9 April 2013

Women at Work-- Hi friends , this is my first post at Versatile Soch ! Hope you enjoy it

Women at Work
Face it or ignore it, but the bitter truth is that whether it is about childhood dreams or mid-career promotions, women have always been told to take on smaller challenges. Bigger roles, from and entirely social view point are meant for the men to take up.  According to a report at Harvard Business Review, women are suffering from low self-esteem; men were more confident across all age groups, with 70% of males having high or very high levels of self – confidence, compared to 50% of the women surveyed. The study also found that the lack of self confidence extends to a more cautious approach to applying for jobs and promotions, 20% of men said they would apply for a role despite only partially meeting its job description, compared to 14% of women.
No one’s going to get permission, if they don’t think they deserve success. Women systematically underestimate their abilities, and most of them don’t negotiate over salary. Well, in reality, it’s only about lack of confidence; rather about lack of support.  Number of men willing to reach new opportunities is much higher than that of the women.
YES LADIES! Be what you really are. In today’s time it is essential to exert power and be noticeable. It’s time to be taken more seriously!
It’s been seen again and again, women fail to get promoted because they fail to step up and apply.

Ask for Rewards, we believe that one day our success will speak for itself; however , that won’t ever happen, so you have to claim recognition if you want your efforts to be noticed. Get up from your seats and tell your bosses “I have accomplished A, B, C, D and E and I think I deserve a promotion.” I can tell you with the little experience I have and observed in this corporate world, 90% of the time these bosses will have no idea of all those things you’ve done!
Don’t complain; make changes! Take up new responsibilities outside your job roles, and not only when it comes to promotions. It feels personally risky to step – up and ask for a big job or assignment – but there’s really no other way. Not asking means you’ve lost the chance to influence the outcome.
It’s not only about adding skills but also about changing everyday thinking and behaviors. It’s not only about how confident you look but how confident you feel.

Aspiring women entrepreneurs do check out this inspiring TED talk video (below)

1 comment:

  1. good one...
    its absolutely true that women underestimate their capability and when it comes to ask for hike, they take a backseat hoping that their HOD / Manager is aware of the work done by them..
