Tuesday 23 April 2013


A hobby is an activity undertaken for fun. Hobbies play an important role in one’s everyday routine. They help in freeing up the shackles of monotony in one’s life. From the outside, it might seem like that you are doing the same thing again and again, but this monotony is something you like to do; not something you have to do like everyday chores. It is something you love doing, without any reason.

You never get tired of your hobby. Neither are you satiated with it, nor unsatisfied with it. You want to do more of it; you want to learn more about it; you want to experience more of it. You want to keep doing it until you become perfect in the subject; also you keep doing it, to prove that it is under your command. All this, unconsciously, leads you to becoming an expert in it.

People might consider you to be childish or obsessive; but for you, it is therapeutic. It is a form of meditation, a form of relaxation. So much so that even if you get up in the middle of the night, or in the middle of doing something important, you are always up for it. You have had a long, hard day, but your hobby is something you find comfort in; something you use to relax and calm your mind. At other times, it is a form of recreation.

You have such an authority over the subject of your hobby that even professionals swear by your knowledge. They might even pay you for sharing your knowledge. In fact, certain hobbyists are attributed to discover things about the subject that even professionals haven’t. This becomes an opportunity for you to turn your hobby into your profession. Once it turns into your passion, you might feel like you live your hobby. You fall asleep thinking about it and you are still thinking about it when you wake up. All your talks and examples reflect the subject of your hobby. It is like it is in your blood, or you are born with it.

As to what one should develop as a hobby, suggestions from others are usually not helpful in discovering your interests. It is always better to think for oneself, what one enjoys doing no matter what the circumstances. Suggestions are usually the likes of other people’s interests. They narrow your mind as what you might like, not what you actually like. If one needs to find one’s true hobby, the best way is to look inside one, and not at suggestions given by others.

Everyone should develop hobbies in order to add significance and enjoyment to your life. As they say, “variety is the spice of life”.

Deepali Mehta

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