Monday 1 April 2013


As soon as one hears the word “aromatherapy”, one starts thinking about natural cosmetics and skin care products. Some others may also think about diffusers and essential oils. Yes, aromatherapy is all this. But it is much more.

The first and foremost use of essential oils, and hence aromatherapy, is healing.

Aromatherapy is the practice of healing mental and physical diseases through essential oils. It propagates the use of essential oils due to their harmlessness, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, soothing, relaxing and various other properties.

If you enter the world of aromatherapy, you would realise that it is a huge world of aromatic research and success; it also relates to various fields of science and industry. With the help of essential oils, you can foray into the world of chemistry to study their compositions, the perfume industry with their smell, the cosmetics and skin care industry with their beautifying properties; or the health industry with their healing properties. The opportunities are enormous!

Many people doubt their healing powers since essential oils are not taken orally, like most other medicines. But, these oils take effect and provide relief almost instantly. In fact, they are much more powerful as well as harmless when compared to traditional medicines. Essential oils are either used in diffusers or inhaled with steam or used with carrier oils in massages.

However, just as all medicines have their dosage instructions, so do essential oils. These oils must be diluted using carrier oils before use. Their concentrated form can be as hazardous as any acid. Their use is forbidden during pregnancy. They can sometimes cause headaches or other allergies. Also, there are certain oils which should never be used in aromatherapy.

Hence, aromatherapy is a huge field of healing and beautifying when proper precautions are taken when using essential oils.

So, aromatherapy, when used cautiously, is a powerful form of alternative medicine which heals the body and mind wonderfully and without any side effects.
Deepali Mehta

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